Saturday, August 4, 2012

Peach Bowl and Band Camp

Hi everyone!  First of all, be sure to download and print the Band Camp packing list.  You need to have these items for camp.  Don't pack too much!  Now on to the Peach Bowl.
I received numerous requests to do a bowl game trip this coming year.  After researching the various bowl games available I have decided that the Peach Bowl, now named the Chick Fil-A Bowl, would be the best game to go to.  We did this Bowl Game in 2006 and it was great.  The company which runs this bowl is “child centered” and they give a very reasonable price for what they set up. They have about 20 bands participate in this Bowl game each year.  Our trip would include some great tours including CNN, the Atlanta Aquarium, the Coke Museum, and the Martin Luther King Jr museum.  In addition, there is a banquet with all the bands which the parents can go to.  Another great reason I like this Bowl is the fact that the parents and families can stay downtown and not have to rent a car to get around.  All the performances, the parade, Bowl Game, CNN, Aquarium and Fan Fest are all within walking distance for the parents and families that choose to go.  Once this trip is a go, the Band Fans will set up a package for the parents and families.
The band performs at the Peach Bowl Parade, the pre-game of the Chick Fil-A Bowl and the Halftime show all with about 20 other bands.  All rehearsals and the actual Bowl Game is in the Atlanta Dome which is indoors which is another great reason for doing this game.
Right now the main goal is to get the trip set up by September 1st so that all of the Seniors going can put the Bowl Game on their college applications.  If we hit 70 band members we will be a go.  If we fall short of this number we will not do a major trip this year.
I need all band members to text or e-mail me “Peach Bowl Going,”  “Peach bowl not going” or “Peach Bowl maybe.”
The trip will be $1300, including food money, and less if we get more than 70 students to go.  The price goes down as we divide up the bus costs.
I am working with a deadline of September 1st to make a decision on this trip.
Thanks and I will see you all in a few weeks.