Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tweets, E-mail, and the Website

The new methods of communication are changing daily.  And with these changes I have come to the conclusion that the best, most reliable and efficient way for Roslyn Band members, parents, and fans to find out what is going on is through our website  I update it daily, keep the newest information under the first page "New Bulletins" and can tell you from there which page you should go to to get more details.

I don't send e-mails.  I also tell the "Band Fans" to not send e-mails.  I am not in control of the band fans, this is just my opinion and I will now explain why.  When the "Band Fans" or "the band director" send out e-mails, people stop checking the website, depend upon the e-mails, and if they miss an e-mail or delete it by mistake, they can miss very important information.  People also end up putting them in spam by mistake, do not get them and/or they have multiple e-mails which they do or don't check frequently.  In addition. E-mails are often misspelled by the sender (due to the lengthy names) they change frequently, servers are down, and people don't like to be bothered a lot so they eventually end up ignoring them.

Tweets, the newest thing.  We started sending out tweets just during trips.  Then the parents in charge of events or things want me to tweet frequently.  Once again, too many tweets brings about people not opting to get the tweets sent as texts to their cell phone, then they don't get the tweets.  Then the tweets are simply going to the twitter site, with nobody looking at it. So from now on, I will only send tweets like today's tweet, maybe once or twice a week during the season, once a month during the off season, just for very important information.

The off season, yes, there is one here.  We mainly rock from mid-August through November 1st.  This cannot be a year round activity.  I know many of us are excited about marching band however, things need to be relaxed during the off season.  If you are bored or miss the band, simply go to our website or our youtube site to reminisce .

All of us must check the website frequently.  I have everything up there, wheat checks are in, what forms are in, band camp packets, sign ups, you name it.  Everything is there.  Let all the new parents know that the website is the hub of everything, all info is on there, fresh information, hot off the press.  We get an average of 300 hits a day, so please check it frequently.