I have an iphone and check the e-mail pattersax.com about 10 to 20 times a day. This is quite simply the most efficient and quick way to contact me. I will usually get back to you within a few hours, it may be longer on the weekend but will be within 24 hours, even if I am away on vacation. If you want me to call you on the phone, e-mail me the phone number. If the issue needs personal attention I will call you back. Talking is a much more personal way of communicating if it is an issue of a sensitive nature. If it is simply informational, or a question, an e-mail is the best way to ask.
Having a daughter in college and two sons in 11th grade and 7th grade, I text all the time. Texting to my cell phone is another way of getting to me if you don’t have e-mail access and want a quick answer or a call to your phone. Band officers, drum majors, and captains text me if they are late or need some quick info. Make sure you tell me who you are when you text me if you don’t have a signature included with the text.
School Phone
The school phone number is a new number this year, a direct line to Mr. Coffey and myself. If you leave me a message on the school phone, it will go directly to my e-mail as an audio file, I will have it within minutes, so this is another way to get in touch with me. The number is 516-801-5152. Once again, let me know how you want me to get back to you.
Cell Phone
Please only call my cell phone if it is an absolute emergency. I have all the parent numbers and student numbers in my cell phone so your name will probably come up if you call me on my cell. Assuming it is an emergency, I will answer, even if I am changing a diaper or reading my little ones a bedtime story at home. Please only reserve this mode of communication if it is an emergency and you need to talk to me immediately.
Snail Mail
Forget it, if there isn’t a check in it, I throw it out! :)
My Own Personal Communication Rules
These are a few of my own rules that I try to use with communication. Once again, the medium is constantly in flux, so we all have to be aware of the new ways of communicating and work within it.
- I never write an e-mail when I am angry or upset.
- I have to be ready for anything I write to be put up on a wall or handed out. E-mail is permanent.
- I make an attempt to be aware of who has direct e-mail to their phone and don’t e-mail them at times I know are “personal times.” I know they will get the e-mail immediately, it will disturb them and that it will take them away from their family. I usually make a point to e-mail people like that during a work day or before dinner time, unless it is very important.
- I always try to write “how’s it going” or open with something personal if it is an initiating first e-mail to someone. Some people send very business like e-mails which can be misconstrued as cold and harsh.
- If it is a sensitive issue, I make a phone call. Nothing is more personal than hearing the tone of a voice. With e-mails, sometimes the real compassion and caring gets lost.
- Be aware of what server you are going through with any e-mail or voicemail. The company you are going through owns and stores any communication you make.