This was one amazing trip. These were the most well behaved kids ever! They showed the chaperones and each other the utmost of respect. The band members got closer and mingled nicely, becoming an even closer knit family. The trip really could not have gone any smoother.
On top of everything going right, nobody got sick, nobody was late except for a few minutes here and there, and there were no mishaps at all. The traffic, weather, and all travel was smooth sailing. We literally didn’t touch the break on either leg of the trip, the ground was dry and there was not one drop of precipitation throughout the week. The only thing which was a little rough was the cold weather the first few nights, it was frigid for Florida on Monday through Wednesday, mostly at night. Thursday was warmer during the day and although the dinner was still chilly ithere was no wind and the fireworks show was incredible. Thanks to the band members for going to bed on time and not keeping us up past curfew. We all had so much fun and doing the two parades was emotional and incredible. In addition, there seems to be no traffic at all. I deliberately set the trip to leave on Sunday instead of Friday to avoid the vacation rush and the Daytona 500 traffic going down the coast on Friday night. It all seemed to work out. Travelling to and from Florida without any traffic is very rare and now, as we pass Newark, it seems we are going to get into Roslyn around 1pm, three hours ahead of time!
Thank you to Kathy Miller for helping me so much with the planning of the trip. A big thank you to Susan Passaro and Claudia Wolfson, our Band Fans Presidents as well as Sherri Marx, the band fans treasurer, for their hours of helping me with the trip. This was a week we will all remember forever!