Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Assistant Drum Major Positions

After much thought, Ms. Miller and I have decided to add two assistant drum majors to the student leadership team. The fact that we are now faced with 4 drum majors, all seniors, graduating after next year brought us to this conclusion. Looking at the shows we are considering after the 2009-2010 season, we will be going forward with two drum majors and two assistant drum majors each year. The assistant drum majors will be chosen from students in grades 9-11 during the 2009-2010 school year. The assistant drum majors will remain in the band and play on their instruments during their assistant drum major season. They will be in training to be drum majors and will move up into the drum major position the following year if all goes well in their learning season. An audition process will start immediately and will culminate at band camp, with the final auditions and decision made during camp. If the chosen people hold captain or leadership positions within the band they will relinquish them when they become assistant drum major. We will fill those vacated positions with the people who were next on the list after the interview process which was completed this year, as long as those people have been attending the Wednesday night rehearsals, a prerequisite for getting and/or keeping any student leadership position.

Letters of intent need to be sent to Mr. Patterson asap and must be recieved by June 1st if you are interested in trying out. A 300 word essay describing why you want to audition for assistant drum major and what you have to offer as the band’s drum major the following year must be part of the letter of intent.

In addition, there is a possibility that one of our student leaders positions may be vacated in the next few weeks. Once again, we will fill that vacated position with the person who was next on the list after the interview process last November, as long as that person has been attending the Wednesday night rehearsals.