We are all guilty of it. Being in our bubble. Trying to tweak the itinerary, to make the trip perfect is an obsession with me. I get upset over things which are just not that important sometimes and excited over little things as well. With next year’s show, the same thing. Going back to my roots, I am trying to think “out of the box” with the design of the show, finding something which is fun, touching, emotionally captivating and educational. I think we have a winner, and I will be posting it up here on the blog in the next few days! Keep checking back.
But now back to the real reason I am writing tonight’s blog. Today my wife Jen came across this story, she sent it to me in an e-mail and kept on bugging me to watch it. Waking up with the baby, I checked it out just a few minutes ago....... and........it is an incredible life story.
Once in a while we come across a story which changes us, a story which makes us a better person after we see it. I’ve put the link on the sidebar of this website for this incredible youtube story. Watch it. It’s about a marching band too!