We are keeping up our "positive approach." I am very excited to announce that this year we are continuing the giving out of trophies at band camp but have added some more to the mix. Each of the 5 drum majors will give out a trophy each day called the "Drum Major's Choice" award. It is a really cool little trophy that says you were giving a special effort and that it was noticed. In addition, we will continue our daily "Outstanding Section" and "Most Improved Section" trophies. Each day, the captain of the two sections will get a little trophy if their section wins. If a section gets a second trophy, the captain has the option of giving that trophy to a member of the section who they deem did incredible work on that day. Also, each day of camp I will be giving out the new "Pat on the Back" award to one member of the marching band who I feel went that special 200% for the band.
Realize that some bands use negative reinforcement to motivate, punishing the entire unit when someone doesn't "get it done". "Mass punishment" also pits the group against each other which is divisive and counterproductive; it also makes people sad. It is true, this type of extrinsic motivation gets quick results but is based on fear which, in the opinion of the Roslyn Marching Band, is not what life is all about. I totally feel that our positive approach is the reason why our band has been getting larger each year while others dwindle.
Remember the Fish Philosophy! I will go over this for our new members at camp.
1. Have Fun
2. Choose Your Attitude
3. Make Someone's Day
4. Be There
More about this at band camp! The fish philosophy refresher course!
Get Psyched! Get Psyched! Get Psyched! We're going to have a great year!