Saturday, October 29, 2011

Today's scores. What do they mean?

Ok, here's the first big question.  Are we slotted for last place tomorrow?  Maybe.  Do today's scores mean anything?  Maybe.  Can we still win tomorrow?  Maybe.  Yes, anything can happen.  Some of the judges clearly love our show, and some don't like it.  There is no way of knowing whenever you design a show and learn it as to how it will be received by the judges or the audiences.  It may do well, it may not.  In any case, we are having a ton of fun performing it and hopefully, in the indoor arena, we will be able to get some good numbers.

And now for the most important thing and I know I run the risk of repeating myself but this is very important.  We must never, never, ever let the opinions, numbers, or placement by judges affect how we feel about ourselves, our program, or how great we are.  I have seen alot of bands over the years and I am being very honest when I tell you that this program is incredible, one of the best I have ever witnessed.  It is truly a privilege and honor to direct such great people.  We have so many great and amazing things going on here.  We are a family, a team, a positive force in so many peoples lives.  We must totally see the big picture and be proud, so proud of all of ourselves.  As we embark on this last day of the 2011 season let's all remember......We Rock!

And going back to my great analogy about subjective judging.  It is like gambling at Atlantic City on the roulette wheel.  We throw that marble, if it lands and we win we will "Go crazy."  If we lose, we will go to the buffet, or as the band will do tomorrow, the Mall. And once again:  In the current subjective judging environment winning or losing may not mean much.

I want to thank all the great kids and parents for helping us build this dynasty.  Together we have and will continue to build upon our great Roslyn Marching Bulldogs.