Thursday, November 1, 2007

Four Drum Majors, Positivity, and the Internet

Yes, this year I decided to go with four drum majors. Why? Well because the band is huge, for one thing. And because next year's show has four songs, for another. And we need more drill techs at camp, for another, and that is what the drum majors do at camp, they help teach the drill on the field. As a director, I have spent many hours choosing this leadership team. I stand by them completely. This is an incredible team of people who will be great! Remember, by criticizing my choices you are criticizing the band leadership team as well. People who negatively react to the team are negatively reacting to human beings who are in those positions. Criticize me all you want, I can take it, just be careful not to hurt anyone's feelings who actually have been awarded these positions. They are our teammates. Negativity is not what we are about here at Roslyn, we are a positive group of people. Of course, it is natural for people to be upset that they or their friends did not get the captain and officer positions. I totally understand that and wish everyone could be a captain. Unfortunately there are only so many positions. As we get to the National Class these positions will become even more powerful. Once again, please remember that these people are on our team. Let's have positive interactions. As always, I will talk to any of you at any time I am free to discuss my selections and rationale. Please remember as well, anything you write on the internet (as is the case with this blog and my website) can be printed out anywhere. Only post things online that you would be proud to have seen by anyone, because it probably will be.

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