Saturday, June 2, 2007

Thanks 2007 Graduates! You are the Best!

Tonight was the dessert and recognition party. It was very emotional to see this senior class pass on their leadership positions to the new student leaders. I am at a loss for words on how difficult it will be to go on without the seniors of 2007. This class has the most great leaders that I have ever seen. The reason the band went from last place to second place is clearly from their superior leadership, resiliency, and energy. They psyched the band up at every turn. They helped the staff keep energized by their leadership and hard work ethic. They made the band totally cool in the high school. I want to let the drum majors, captains, and officers know how much they have to do with "building this dynasty." They will be in our hearts forever. Keep in touch, stop by often, you are part of this great family forever!