Thursday, April 28, 2011

Student Leaders List Up Tomorrow

The student leaders for 2011 will be posted tomorrow.  All people on the top 20 service point list will be receiving positions.  This is really the top 28 if you put the 8 seniors back in.  So if you were in the top 20% of the service point earners for the 2010 marching band season, you definitely have a position (we had 100 in the band last year). The service points are a significant part of this process now.

While most band members get to rehearsals right on time, and leave right after the rehearsal, approximately a quarter of the band comes early, stays late, and spends many hours helping out whenever they can.  These top 20 people have ALL gotten positions.

If you didn't get a position, you didn't get into the top 20 percentage of the service point earners which means you didn't do enough extra things while others did.  Translated, you did not come early, stay late, or volunteer doing extra things enough to break into that top group, which would have secured you a position on the leadership team.

This was clearly stated at Band Camp last year and the point and attendance sheet was updated after every single event and rehearsal.  It is always on