Thursday, May 6, 2010

Today I Drove Home

Just about every day in my seven plus years at Roslyn, I fly home in my car, on a wave of euphoria, being so proud to work here and run this incredible band program. Today I simply drove my car home on the LIE. Today it was a doldrum, boring ride through suburbia. I couldn't even turn the radio or Ipod on. My brain was drained. I did not know how to process what happened today in Wind Ensemble. In a desperate search of answers, I asked some colleagues if I was off base, unrealistic, or simply nuts as I exited the building. From all accounts, I was correct, something went awry. I will go on.
I had to wait hours before I would even attempt to write this. What happened in Wind Ensemble.
So here we are, seven rehearsals to go before the Wind Ensemble is performing in the NYSSMA Majors Rating Festival. Things have been going great. Everybody is working, the band is starting to sound amazing, yet today, Something very unusual happened. I was totally shocked that 18 people missed the rehearsal due to AP exams that they took this morning. Finishing their exams around 11:15 to 11:30, many band members decided to go home and not return to the school for the rehearsal at 1:30, even after I stressed a few days ago that I expected them to come back for these crucial rehearsals. I totally trusted that everyone would be there, especially since students return for sports and study sessions. From everything I saw up to that point I had a very serious band. People were practicing, working hard, learning things that we were going over and being very focused. How could I ever imagine that people would skip any important rehearsal.
I will put it in its purest form. One third of the band decided that they would go home and miss the rehearsal, while the rest of the band was rehearsing. Wow, I still cannot believe it. I am no band geek, never was, but it is unimaginable to me to be in my living room or somewhere else, studying, eating, watching tv, napping, whatever, while the rest of the band has a scheduled rehearsal. And right before NYSSMA Majors! I couldn't do it, it is just not part of my DNA.

I am known for being totally flexible and understanding with the academic demands that everyone at Roslyn puts on themselves. In fact, I am proud of it. I, however, do not see how coming to a 40 minute rehearsal could possibly hurt an AP grade or drain ones brain in any way or impact the AP exam grades this week. In fact, a 40 minute musical rehearsal would supply a positive reprieve from the grinding study schedule, providing a respite and relaxing soothing of the senses, a break from the intense study schedule. A recharge.
In addition, it leaves a sour taste in my mouth for some amazing people who have been nothing but spectacular for just about 4 years. I would never want to go out like this, never. It numbs my emotions that anyone could NOT be here if they were not actually in an AP exam, especially the great band members who are a part of this group.
I do realize that the culture here is to go home after the AP, that everyone who takes one is technically excused here at Roslyn. I am not inferring that I will take off of your grade or hurt you in any way. The thing that really bothers me is the responsibility issue, being part of a team and "being there". We are going to this great event and have a chance to do something great here. For the short amount of time I need you please come. If you have an AP at the time of the rehearsal, which some of you do, of course miss band. But if you are not in an AP exam, I fully expect you to be at these last 6 rehearsals. I have talked to the HS administration about it and they totally agree, everyone not taking an AP should be at these last 6 rehearsals.
Honestly, if we have another rehearsal with people at home or elsewhere, we will probably not go to the NYSSMA Majors on May 17th. It is not fair to the Wind Ensemble to put them in front of those two judges unprepared 11 days from now.
Let's regroup, focus, and be there. Just come to the rehearsals, I will take care of the rest! Let us all sincerely try to act like today's rehearsal never happened. Water under the bridge.
And thank you to the 36 people who were there, ready to rock. And a really big thank you to the one person who took the morning AP and came to the rehearsal.