Monday, October 5, 2009

All It Takes is All You've Got

So we perform at the competition and we’re feeling great, when suddenly the scores are read out and the judges put us six points under Mineola. What do we do now? Well, first, we have to be realistic. There is so much that needs to be improved on in our show. This isn’t something to get upset about, it’s motivation! It means we have somewhere to go and a definite way to raise our scores. If we can get focused, rehearse effectively, and really perform, then we can give the judges every reason to boost our scores way up. Just because the judges are keeping us under now, doesn’t mean that’s where we’ll stay. We can all recall the competition just before the dome when Division Avenue beat us by three points. THE WEEK BEFORE THE DOME! And so everyone assumed that meant that’s where we would place when Syracuse finally came around. Well we all know that was not the case and it doesn’t have to be the case this year either. A sloppy performance of a difficult show doesn’t get us any extra points. On the other hand, mastering a difficult show is how we will defeat every other band out there. We know our show is the hardest it’s ever been, but our band is the best it’s ever been and we all know we can handle it. We have to keep the momentum on this train running and we can’t let some scores slow us down. The score is simply a fly on the windshield, nothing a little windex won’t take care of. We will have to work hard and clean up our performance and get the judges to acknowledge our efforts. If everyone knows their parts, and marches in step, and plays in tune, we will give the judges no choice but to put us over all the competition.

How can we do this?
Well falling apart isn’t an option anymore. We are having fewer and fewer tears in the show, but we have to get rid of them completely and start to groove. There are three drum majors on the podiums at one time, and they will lead you in the right direction. Watch them and don’t listen to the pit! Another thing is being able to play your part correctly, march your sets in step, AND watch the drum major all at the same time. It is no easy task, but getting your part down cold means one less thing to worry about. So get to it! We are well into the season and there’s no excuse for not knowing your parts. Practice your runs every day, memorize where the major hits are, and DON’T PLAY WRONG NOTES! Every single person, by joining the band, accepted the responsibility to do his or her part to help the band. Knowing your music and your spots in the drill is your individual responsibility. No one can do that for you. The music isn’t easy but it’s not beyond our ability. I believe we can really have a great performance at the dome if everyone does their part.

The Final Ingredient - Performing as “Champions”
before we get the Championship!
We are putting on a show; it’s not just another rehearsal and for some of you, that psyches you out. Don’t let the competition, the judges, the audience, or the scores get to you. Prepare yourself because every time you should expect nothing less than the best performance of your life. Yes, it only really counts at the dome, but that doesn’t mean you can relax till we get there. From your first step on the field to the last step off you are all musicians, performers, and most importantly winners. All it takes is all you’ve got. Simply put, you’ve got what it takes! Giving 100% is all we need to win. Every single person needs to take this idea and completely internalize it. If the band as a whole begins thinking like champions, we can perform like champions, and overall win like champions. It’s a proactive way of thinking. We can’t sit and wait for the win to come to us, we have to get it for ourselves, in our heads! To do this, we must become the champions we aim to be. We must rehearse like champions, we must walk like champions, eat like champions, and breathe like champions. Most of all we must think like champions. This obstacle isn’t out of our reach; we may have to stretch, but..............