Friday, October 14, 2016

I'm Retiring

Yesterday I put in my letter to the Roslyn School District, resigning my position as band director for the purpose of retirement.  My final day of employment will be December 30, 2016. After much contemplation, I have made the decision to retire and focus my attention on my family and other worldly pursuits.  This is my 32nd year teaching and I feel it is time for me to move on.

I have thoroughly enjoyed all of my time at Roslyn and am honored to have had the chance to touch the lives of so many children via my music classes and the marching band. It has been as much a pleasure to learn from them as it has been to teach and guide them.

Thank you so very much for the wonderful opportunity. Roslyn will always hold a fond place in my memories.

Please feel free to add comments, stories, or anything below. I DO NOT want any kind of retirement party, celebration, dedication or plaque or gifts.  The best gift to give me is to keep what we have built here going.  Give the new director your passion for the entire band program, exactly as you have done for me.

In lieu of a celebration, feel free to add comments, anecdotes, stories, or even a "haiku"  below.  State your name in the content.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Saturday Night Roslyn Season Primer 4

Subjective Judging - Please Read
This year we were moved down to Small School 3 or SS3.  From 2001 through 2006 we were in SS3.  Then, after achieving 2nd place in SS3, we were moved to SS2, a more advanced class.  We were in that class from 2007 through 2012.  Then, looking for a change, we tried moving to the US Bands conference for the 2013 and 2014 competition years.  After weighing the variables, most importantly the fact that the championship can be in very cold weather with ice and nobody in the stands, we decided to go back to the NYSFBC and compete with the majority of the Long Island Bands.  Small School 3 is a better fit for us than Small School 2.  Bands in this class, for various reasons, decided to rehearse a bit less and are grouped together to be in a more competitive environment of like bands.

As a competitive band we have to go into this activity knowing what to expect. If we win great, if we don’t then maybe next show or next year. The following paragraphs are to let you know what we as the marching staff deal with, live with, and try to conquer the best we can in our “quest to be the best.” I will update you after each show on our inner workings, what we are doing, and what our goals are through this blog.

Marching band judges each have a caption to judge. The judges are supposed to judge their caption without going "out of caption." They sometimes don't do this which is obvious by the fact that they almost always rank all the bands in the same exact order across all captions. In my opinion this defies reason, each band is strong in different areas and realistically, each judged caption should have the bands in a different order. Now check out this scenario, hope I don’t lose you. Sometimes the visual judges only judge the guard without even looking at the band marching style, forms, posture, etc. This puts a band that marches a difficult show well at a disadvantage because they get no credit for their work. Sometimes the music judges also decide to judge the visual, which diminishes a band's music score since it isn't being judged. When a music judge does this and is not impressed with the visual aspect, a band in essence is "penalized" twice for the visual portion of the show. Actually, the band is penalized a third time since there is no credit given from that judge for the music they are doing. As staff members we try to be subjective, but still are scratching our heads as we leave some of the contests because the numbers don't even seem to line up with the audio critiques. Each judge makes an audio critiquing the band. We get these via wifi or SD cards immediately after we perform and go to the staff room to listen to the recordings and prepare for the post contest judges meeting, where we get 5 minutes with each judge, to get an in person evaluation from the judges. 

You need to know, when you get involved in this activity, that it is a "subjective judging" environment. I probably should repeat that last sentence a hundred times. These scores are entirely determined by the judges' evaluations using the judges sheets. The judges decide absolutely everything. It is very much like figure skating or judged olympic events. They make the call for everything. One or two judges can bury you, giving you a score so low that it moves you out of contention for winning a contest. We may not agree with the judges, but complaining will not solve anything since we realize that this is a "subjective" environment. It comes with the territory. Those same judges could have had us up by points, giving us a large lead over all the other bands.

What the audience usually responds to is "general effect". It only accounts for about 40% of the score and that is why audience members don't always agree with the judges' results. 

Many marching band people say that the only way you can tell who is the best is to wait until the dome. That is where all the bands in the class perform at the same time, for the same judges, in the same environment. At the dome the judging slates are doubled, so the scores are derived from 12 judges. Anything can happen at championships.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday Night Roslyn Season Primer 3

NYSFBC Judging / How We Get Judged
In the NYSFBC there are two large areas that we are judged on, Visual and Music. Each of these two areas are broken down into three segments, Field, Ensemble, and General Effect. So here are the six judges that judge us: Field Visual, Ensemble Visual, GE Visual, Field Music, Ensemble Music, and GE Music. 

Field Visual: This judge is on the field, walking around, through, and in front of the band. This judge's job is to evaluate the individuals on the field and how they march, do their guard work, and how they look as individuals.

Ensemble Visual: This judge is up in the stands and evaluates the drill, the band and the guard doing their designs and work as an ensemble, the artistic value of the show.

GE Visual: This judge sits up in the stands and judges the "General Effect" of the visual portion of the band and guard. This is usually what the audience responds to, the GE.

Field Music: This judge is on the field, walking around, through, and in front of the band. This judge's job is to evaluate the individuals musicians on how they are playing their parts.

Ensemble Music: This judge is up in the stands and evaluates how the band performs their music as an ensemble. This judge evaluates the difficulty of the show, how clean the band is playing musically, and how they sound.

GE Music: This judge sits up in the stands and judges the "General Effect" of the music. This is usually what the audience responds to, the GE.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday Night Roslyn Season Primer 2

Competetive Marching Bands on Long Island
A Brief History of Long Island Competitive Marching Bands. I put this up each year for the new parents and to refresh everyone on our judging system.

There are approximately fifteen bands that compete on Long Island. Competitive bands can perform 30 to 60 forms (this year we have 32), are constantly moving, with memorized music (no lyres), and march in synchronized perfection (or as close as is possible). The other 40 plus Long Island non-competition bands perform their shows during halftime at the Newsday Festival. They tend to perform between 3 and 15 pictures (abstract forms) and do much less complex shows.

There are several competitive circuits in our area. There is the MAC circuit, in Connecticut and northern New England, the TOB (Tournament of Bands) circuit in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, the US Bands circuit, which encompasses the entire East Coast, and the NYSFBC (New York State Field Band Conference) which we compete in. The Long Island bands always seem to compete together. In the 80s and early 90s the Long Island bands competed in the Tournament of Bands. The Championships were usually in Scranton, PA. Then in the mid 90's the bands switched to a new circuit, the CMBC (Cadets Marching Band Circuit, Now US Bands) which is still run by the Cadets, one of the top Drum Corps in the world. The draw of this circuit was it's Championships at Giant's Stadium. When the Giant's put in real turf the CMBC was no longer able to use the stadium for a few years, they changed their name to YEA, and moved the championships to venues in Atlantic City, Hersheypark, and Scranton. It was at this time that the Long Island Bands started to transfer to the NYSFBC, the draw to this conference mainly being the Carrier Dome championships, which is obviously indoors, and an incredible venue, not impacted by the cold weather, rain, or ice. The NYSFBC is also a band director driven group, which I feel is the best of the circuits in terms of it's positive outlook and emphasis on education. By the end of the 90's almost all of the Long Island Competitive bands competed in the Carrier Dome/NYSFBC. 

Each circuit has a totally different way of judging, different criteria, different judges, and different philosophies. I will now go over the NYSFBC judging system as best I can in a few paragraphs.

NYSFBC Band Classes

There are two main criteria for determining classes in the NYSFBC. There are Small School Classes (SS3, SS2, and SS1) which are determined by school size and the quality level of the program. There are the Large School Classes (LS3, LS2). Class 3 are the less advanced bands, Class 2 the more advanced bands, and Class 1 the most advanced. Please realize, all competitive bands are advanced, going to this circuit shows that. The top class, reserved for the best in the country is the National Class which consists of incredible bands of any school size. Since they are determined by school size, there can be tiny bands and huge bands in the same class in the NYSFBC. Some bands have only the really serious musicians and guard people in their bands, which makes them smaller and easier to make perfect. My goal as a band director has been to get as many people involved in the program as possible. This can obviously hurt our scores since it is harder to get 115 perfect thank 40.  This is why sometimes much smaller bands beat us. Touching lives is our philosophy and there is something exciting about filling the field with so many band members. We clearly have the largest percentage of band members to school size of any band, probably in New York State. Our band is the largest band in our class, SS3.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday Night Roslyn Season Primer 1

As we enter this new season I am writing this blog so that you understand what we are doing in this activity including all the details.  

This year’s show “Quidam” is based on the Cirque De Soleil Show by the same name.  The plot is about a young girl finding her place in the world, however our rendition simply puts visual drill, flags and dance to the music.

I will be posting the weekly detailed schedule on the last page of the website  You can reach it directly at  I will do this throughout the season.  I will also blog after each show and also after each rehearsal at about what the judges said and my take on it all, and what we are doing to improve our program.

I will post twitter updates.  You can have each tweet sent to your cell phone as a text, or simply bookmark our twitter site to see what is going on throughout the season. I will be tweeting constant updates on competition days so put your phone on vibrate.  I have to approve you to get access to the twitter site, see the “twitter directions” link at the top of

As a director I am tremendously proud of how far the Marching Band has come in terms of their development. The students have worked so hard, from the first step at band camp through the night rehearsals and now the competitions.  As most of you know, I treat band as a leadership training, character development, and goal setting class in addition to the marching and music instruction.

Competition Bands
Many bands choose not to compete. They choose to perform a less involved and simpler show at only the Newsday festival and their home games. We compete. We are better for it and will accomplish great things by being a competitive band.  Short and long term goals are an important part of life and through this great activity, we will “shoot for the stars.” 

We all need to be competitive but remember, this is totally subjective, like figure skating.  I always tell the kids that in figure skating they even throw out the high and low scores, which is fully acknowledging that it is somewhat unfair. You may see our band, compare us to the bands in our class, then hear the score and wonder what happened.  Yes, the judges TOTALLY make the call, in fact, they decide everything.

The Rehearsal Schedule
Making a rehearsal schedule for a competitive marching band in an academic high school is a delicate task. How much to rehearse, how many shows to do, how we rehearse, and how to handle attendance are key parts of running this marching band which I deal with every day. Meeting the needs of the students is the priority however we do "compete" so we need to maximize our rehearsal time, and get as much done as is possible so that we can be competitive. I have been asked many questions from parents and students about how I schedule rehearsals and competitions so in the spirit of communication I have posted my philosophy of rehearsals, competitions, and how we have built our schedule.

How Many Hours to Rehearse
When they starting the competitive marching band here at Roslyn in 2001, they rehearsed 2 nights a week and Saturdays, and did a show every weekend. They even added some rehearsals if the band needed it, even having a rehearsal every night the week before the Dome. Coming here in 2003, I decided that we would go with a 1 night rehearsal format, very few Saturday rehearsals, and try to add an hour of rehearsing on show days, before we leave the high school. We eventually removed the Saturday rehearsals and it seems to be working. This is the least that I felt we could practice and still be competitive. By having great communication among the staff, proper planning, efficient rehearsals and close to 100% attendance, I felt we could build a great program with this structure. Remember, every band we compete against rehearses two to three times more than us.  Go to their websites and look at their rehearsal schedules.  

Formulating the Schedule
I build the schedule in March, signed up for the shows and put in the off weekends around that.  I do not schedule anything on the two “College Visit, off weekends." This year, when I received the home game schedule it was too late to redo the entire schedule, so we are just doing the Homecoming home game.  Two of the home games hit on our “College visit, off weekends”, and one on the Dome weekend.  I will not add anything after school starts because I feel it is unfair to the band members to require them to be at everything and then add something. Next year I will wait until the home games are finalized and then sign up for shows.

We are looking forward to a great season and remember "Aim high, be patient, and as far as subjective scoring, be ready for anything."

Remember, we are great, look at how far we have come and everybody in the Marching Band community, judges, other band directors, audiences, and the public fully knows Roslyn as a great marching band.  We are proud as ever and I as director feel truly privileged to run such a great group of kids with an incredibly supportive school district and of course great parents and the amazing “Band Fans” parents group.  We have parents who bring out our equipment, parents helping to run our band camp, and the largest contingent of spectators are from Roslyn at every event we go to.   

In my opinion our band kids are perfect!  They give up part of themselves for the team every single day! Hard working, fun, smart, bubbly, and love band!  What more could I ask as a director?

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Website Problems

My sandbox website and all my pdf downloads are having major problems. Refresh over and over and each will eventually come up.   It worked for me on the 4th or 5th refresh, the first ones showed no screen.

The direct link to is
Try that link if doesn't work

For downloads I listed here as well.  If these don't load e-mail me at and I will send you anything you need within an hour.  My website and all my pdfs are on the go daddy site which is having problems this week, which is why things are not downloading, they will probably fix it soon.  Try these links.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Band Camp Chaperones Needed!

Band Camp is less than a month away and we want to make absolutely sure we have the correct coverage so that the camp can go ahead as planned.

We need two parents per each bunk plus one extra for each night in case there is a last minute emergency that prevents a parent from being able to do band camp. Our immediate needs: Right now we need two fathers for Wednesday and one mother for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.  This will give us just enough for two in a bunk and one extra female and male chaperone each night.

In addition, I need all the parents who have signed up to stay one or more nights at band camp to now verify with me those days. You can check what I have you down for on the chart at and then e-mail me to verify at  I need to make absolutely sure that we have enough parents to do the away camp this year.
I will make your box green on the online parents sign up sheet once you verify with me.

As I stated last year, we need two parents per each bunk plus one extra for each night in case there is a last minute emergency that prevents a parent from being able to do band camp. It is exciting to have such a large group of volunteers already.  We are just not there yet.

Reminder: There will be a point bonus of 200 points per night for the band member of any parent who comes up with a cap of 1000 points. 

Please e-mail me to verify or if you can chaperone.

Monday, February 2, 2015

2015 Marching Band Season Schedule Announced & Explained

After careful thought, planning and consideration, we have now posted our season schedule for next year at the bottom of this first page of the website.  Please realize that we have to plug in the home games and homecoming in the middle of March when those are set.

We will be returning to the New York State Field Band Conference, the Carrier Dome for the New York State Championships, and the Long Island shows where we competed from 2002-2012.  This year we were moved to class Small School 3 by the NYSFBC.  This is very good news for us.  We are now in a class with bands that rehearse about as much as we do.  This will most likely bring us some better trophies than we have been receiving the past 8 years in the advanced class, with bands that rehearse 300-500 hours.

We will not be doing the Newsday Show or the Columbus Day Parade.  These are two non-competitive events that take away from our competitive season rehearsal hours. The following are reasons why we came to this decision: We need to spend an entire rehearsal of preparation for the Newsday show which has different rules and regulations, time constraints to a 10 minute total show including pit on and off time makes us have to prepare for it.  In addition, it is now at a different venue, Mitchel Field which is much colder, and it is a late school night.  Performing at the Newsday show gives us a really tough week, losing the Wednesday rehearsal to Newsday prep, having to work on the massed band finale, and not getting home until 11:30 at night makes this show tough so we have decided not to do it. 

The Columbus Day Parade also impacts our season taking away hours of preparation from our already very small 80 hour rehearsal schedule,and we will make that a weekend off. Again, these two events will be removed from our schedule.

There are two off weekends during the Fall, one for Rosh Hashanah and one for Columbus Day.

We will be going back to our 2002-2010 Championship Weekend format which worked very well for us with the exception of leaving after school on Friday.  

We will be leaving on the Saturday, October 31st morning at 8am, driving to Syracuse for a very important  rehearsal, and then checking into the hotel, and then preparing for our band Halloween Party.  We will be performing at the State Championship on Sunday morning, then go back to the hotel to change, then to the famous Carousel Mall, then to the Dome to watch the finals which end around 10pm.  The order of these events will be finalized as we get closer to the championship. On Monday we will travel back to Roslyn, arriving at around 3pm.  We stayed for the finals for 9 years, and the staff and I strongly feel that watching the National Class has a huge impact on our growth and education with the Marching Band activity.  

I also want to remind everyone that Marching Band does not impact even one other day of school.  Our February trip is entirely on the break.  Many clubs and classes at the high school do day trips throughout the year to events that the club or class deems important and worthy of missing a day of school for the educational value.  We, the marching band staff, totally feel that this watching the top 8 bands in the country,  in a live, climate controlled venue, is the opportunity of a lifetime. This is a great way for our entire band to stamp and end to our competitive marching band season, watching the best bands in the country, concluding our hard work and effort, all sitting together and watching the finals.  After asking numerous alumni in the 10 years that we stayed for the finals, I have been convinced that this was an important, positive way of closure.

This year’s payments for Band Camp will be added to the Syracuse trip, since both are required to be in the marching band, I have put them together so that we have a few months off before taking money for the Florida Trip.  There will be four $250 payments, checks written out to Roslyn Band Fans, due in the middle of the month on February, March, April, and May.  As always, shoot for around the 15th of the month, but if you have to do it a little earlier or later, just drop me an e-mail to let me know. You can also pay it all at once, a total of $1000.  If you are on the school’s free and/or reduced lunch list, you receive a different payment amount, just e-mail me and I will let you know how much.  Please make sure that you are on that list, or we cannot give you that price.  If you are on free or reduced it is totally confidential so please only spek to me about it.  Our Band Fans Presidents will give me information about the Syracuse hotels for the parents, and I will tweet that on our twitter site.

The Florida trip will be from Saturday, February 13th, leaving at 8pm, to Saturday, February 20th, arriving home around 8pm.  We will perform at Disneyworld and stay on the grounds.  The cost of the trip is around $1500 total, includes food money and all costs involved with the trip.  The Florida trip is not mandatory. In addition, if you want to start paying early for it you can, just let me know so that the check is for Florida, not the season, so we can keep it in a part of the band fans account.  The free/reduced lunch price is also different, but you must be on the list and let me know via e-mail so I can get back to you with the price.  We will also be letting all the band parents know via twitter when the flights for the February break come online so that you can get the cheapest prices if you are planning on going to Florida to see the band perform. We will also be doing our traditional Epcot Fireworks dinner as a huge group, parents, family members and students on our Epcot day of the trip, all to be set up later. I will put up a detailed itinerary a few months before the trip so that you know where we are performing.  We will also be tweeting the hotel the parents are staying at. Our Band Fans group usually has a deal somewhere.  Remember, for security reasons all band members MUST go both ways with the band to Syracuse and Florida.  We need to know who is with us at all times and this is a steadfast rule.

This is an academic high school, one of the best in the country, with a competitive marching band.  Please realize that when we compete, we get scores and trophies and need to spend some time and attention to maximizing our rehearsal hours and involvement with the activity in such a way that we can start possibly winning some awards while impacting the academic schedule of our kids as little as possible.  We, the staff, look forward to your continued support and enthusiasm towards our entire marching band program especially if you are not in total agreement with the schedule as laid out above.

To get on the twitter site, just go to and go to the twitter directions page to learn how to get approved.  I have to approve you to get access to that site.
Any questions, as always, call, text or e-mail me.

Pat Patterson
cell (text or call)  516-662-0206

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Back to the Dome

Back to the Dome
Going back to our schedule and conference which we did from 2003-2012. Here are the dates so you can book hotels & airfare early.

Syracuse Trip
Friday, October 30, 2015  -  Busses Depart for Syracuse at 1pm, arrive at hotel at 7, dinner at hotel, pool & free time at hotel
October 31, 2015  -  9 am wake up, Phoenix (NY) Show at 1pm, Rehearsal in late afternoon at Central Square Stadium for 1 hour, Halloween Party at Hotel Ballroom (we may add family members to this party)
November 1, 2015  -  Carrier Dome State Championships in morning, late check out, Mall trip & Busses return to Roslyn by 10pm

Florida Trip
Saturday, February 13, 2016  -  Busses depart for Florida at 8pm
One day at each Disney park, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Studios, Animal Kingdom and one day at both Universal Parks, Universal Studios & Islands of Adventure

Saturday, February 20, 2016  -  Busses return from Florida between 5pm and 10pm depending upon traffic. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Next Year - Leading you through the process

Next Year
In the next week I will be making the decision on where to compete next year and what events we will do as a competitive marching band. In order to lead you through this process I am listing the pros and cons of each possibility below so we can, together, make the right decision.

I love all the kids, parents, and staff members here at Roslyn; you are my family.  I believe we should all consider what is best for our band. Whichever competitions and events we decide to do, the kids will enjoy their marching band experience.

There are two conferences we could participate in next year - the New York State Field Band Conference or US Bands.  We took a few votes with the straw poll and Facebook page and it is very close to 50/50 on both, so I will obviously take into consideration the votes as well.  If you want to vote you can at

We did the New York State Field Band Conference for 11 years and then tried the US Bands for 2 years. I am totally torn on going either way as you will see by reading on.  The end of our season in the New York State Field Band Conference is at the Carrier Dome in Syracuse which is always indoors; this event next year would fall on the weekend of Halloween. From my own view, my daughters cried when I told them that I might not be around on Halloween.  I realize that my job may take me away for Halloween, I missed many before, but have to put the program first sometimes. So I totally understand, there are pros and cons to each conference that we all must consider. 

Florida Trip on
The Florida trip will be on no matter which conference we compete in, pending BOE approval. Last year we had the largest ratio of kids going, about 90 out of 115.  We traditionally bring about 60 kids.  There are two reasons why more kids were able to go on the Florida trip.  We eliminated the Syracuse Trip which saved about $300 per kid and a lot more for families who feel they had to go to the Carrier Dome.  Then some parents told me the reason so many families and band members went to Florida was the fact that I set the trip dates more than a year in advance; earlier notice greatly impacts the cost of airfare and hotel rates.  In the past when only about half the band went we proposed the trip and set the dates about 5 months in advance.

A Decision will be made very soon
Due to the fact that hotels in Syracuse and Florida will be cheaper earlier, and the fact that people set up their family vacations about a year in advance, I will be making the decision very soon.

Field Band Conference Pros
  • Indoor venue for Championship
  • All local shows must have an indoor site immediately available to run a show. Performing outside and getting rained on is a rarity
  • Dates are set in stone, sometime in April, we know who is at each show, what time we are on, and this never changes.
  • We are a part of the Long Island Marching Band Community.  Of the 15 competitive bands on Long Island, 12 compete in the Field Band Conference and 3 do US Bands.
  • Band director run conference, this is not a money making group
  • Ticket prices are cheaper for all venues, they have rules for this
  • I would choose to have the Columbus Day weekend off in its entirety as we did for 10 years competing in the Field Band Conference.
Field Band Conference Cons
  • It costs more money to go to the Championship in Syracuse, about $300 for each kid and a lot more for families to go to the finals.
  • Judges place us below the same bands regardless of our performance level.
  • The Championship is on the Halloween weekend this coming year.
US Bands Pros
  • The championship does not impact Halloween, we will have a choice of which championship to go to, at MetLife or Allentown, the only problem is, we will not know their dates until August.
  • Band members and family members save money by no Syracuse Trip.

US Bands Cons
  • They give us dates very late, usually in late July or August  They do not let us know what time our band is on until the week before. They are cryptic about scheduling.
  •  They do not let us know what bands are competing in our class until the week before
  •  They frequently move dates of events. 
  •  Met Life/Allentown Championships are all outdoors and will run in frigid temperatures, with rain, wind, etc.  The bands in this conference do it all the time.  The upstate bands don't.
  • This conference is run by the Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps as their fundraiser.  Ticket prices are very high at all events.  
  • Classification should work in our favor since we are a larger band in Group 5A, This worked in 2013 however they didn’t do that with our scores this past year.  We are not getting the scores we expect in either conference.
Newsday or Columbus Day
I strongly feel that we have to do one of these high profile shows to let everyone in the tri-state area know who we are, the publicity is astronomical for either of these events.

Columbus Day Pros
  • Televised if we get to the booth by 3pm (50% chance this will happen).
  •  Obviously a great venue to march in NYC.
Columbus Day Cons
  • Columbus Day is on a holiday, we lose a day off
  • We do not get our report time until the day before, so we have to go in and wait for 3 hours to step off, busses must be ordered in advance.
  • Finding a bathroom in the city after the busses leave is difficult. They will not let our busses stay with us at the beginning of the parade route.
  • Band students carrying Bass Drums and Quints through this very long day, I am not comfortable with this. 
  • This parade is as unorganized as it can get.  
Newsday Pros
  • It is televised over and over again on Thanksgiving Day and other times on the Optimum/Cablevision channels all over the tri-state area. (We perform at Newsday in mid-October).  
  • 70 Long Island Bands perform in this non-competitive event.  Since we skipped these two years we have not been a part of that community.
  • It is close by, at Mitchell Field (used to be at Hofstra)
  • We look amazing compared to these non-competitive bands.
Newsday Cons
  • We have a double whammy week with a Wednesday night rehearsal and Thursday night performance.  We cannot cancel one of our 9 rehearsals for anything.
  • It is a late school night.  Our kids have to stay till the end for the massed bands performance. They have traditionally done their homework and studying in the stands.
In Conclusion
Right now, as I write this, I am leaning very slightly towards the Syracuse/Newsday Track which we did for 11 years, in part because I am still upset at seeing the kids so cold this past Saturday night, not to mention my bones are still cold thinking about it.  In addition, the US Bands this year did two things that greatly concerned me.  They switched dates frequently, we were lucky we only caught it once with the moving of the NYS Championships, which cost us a “back to back” show weekend which I never do.  They also did not give out any information to us at all about who was at the show, what time we are on, and that drives me absolutely nuts.  I don’t think that this works out with any program and especially ours.  We are an organized bunch, with kids and parents doing a million things.  A date or even a time change is monumental.  For my first 10 years here we locked down the schedule by April 1st.  This year it was in flux all season.  In terms of Columbus Day, I did the parade with Mineola 10 times and it was a well organized machine.  It was short, less strenuous on the students and I received dates and times months in advance. During the last two years it was not this at all. In addition, parades are rough on bands, our bodies are not meant to carry these heavy drums for these long periods of time.  I know it only affects only the drumline but I look at the program as if every kid is my own child.  Also, after talking to many band directors who pulled out of the Columbus Day parade due to the same issues, the fact that I did not have a report time or even an acknowledgement of us being accepted; I had a bad feeling in my stomach about it all and decided to pull out.  My number one priority is the kids being happy, healthy and taken care of and when I cannot feel comfortable doing those three things I need to regroup and plan so that I can.  This is really what everything in this blog post is about, the kids.

I look forward to determining the best course of action to take for the band.  We run a child centered program and the kids are always the top priority!